FROM THE CHAIR This is the second joint newsletter from Copers Cope Area RA and West Beckenham RA. We continue to work closely together and look for opportunities to share our resources to cover more. There is always room for extra bodies on our committees, in particular:
? Green and environmental issues ? Safer Neighbourhood Panel in Kelsey and Eden Park ? Road safety
If you are interested in these areas or would like to join either Residents’ Association Committee please get in touch. IMPORTANT: COPERS COPE AGM MOVED TO JUNE The Copers Cope Area Residents’ Association Committee have taken the decision to move our AGM from March to June due to Coronavirus.
This decision was not taken lightly. At the time of going to print the Government was not advising that public meetings be cancelled, however the impact of Coronavirus was escalating daily.
We want to ensure that all our members feel comfortable in attending our AGM and that it is appropriate healthwise for them. We have the opportunity of adding our AGM on to the West Beckenham Residents’ Association meeting in June, and have decided to do so.
All existing Officers have agreed to continue on an acting basis until June.
Anyone that was intending to run for an officer position (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or Committee Members) is welcome to get involved between now and June, please contact or phone 020 3732 5260. Neighbourly support - Coronavirus Beckenham community groups are working together to find ways to support people that are self-isolating due to the virus. Information will be available at & . Any of our members that need support can call 020 3732 5260.