About Us


A huge warm welcome to Beckenham.net!

We are a friendly social network run by local people who simply #loveBeckenham.  If you are looking for something a little bit different to other community websites – we would love you to join us!

Why join Beckenham.net?

Trusted: Beckenham.net is the longest running local social network for the area.  Serving the people of Beckenham for over 15 years (but who’s counting?)

Dedicated: Our brilliant editorial team provide the latest news for Beckenham to over 46,000 subscribers.

We Support Local Business: We offer local businesses the opportunity to showcase themselves to more than 46,000 local subscribers. Sign up to our FREE comprehensive business listing, including special offers and events. 

We Love Local: Get involved in our unique FREE online community platform for the people of Beckenham to reach out and connect. Chat to neighbours on one of our groups or list any up-coming local events you may be organising – all for FREE.

With 10,000 unique visitors to the site every month we are proud to be from Beckenham.So if you #LoveBeckenham as much as we do, come and join us!

Beckenham.net is a social network for Beckenham locals, Beckenham businesses and absolutely anyone that wants to join. We love Beckenham and everything in it. We are really proud of what we have created and will continue to build on it for the future.
170 finchley road
nw3 6bp
United Kingdom