
Council ‘Call For Sites’ For Housing, Employment And Retail Uses Or Any Other Use

Bromley's Local Plan was adopted on 16 January 2019 and, in conjunction with the London Plan is used to determine planning applications. Upon adoption, the Local Plan replaced the Unitary Development Plan, which was previously part of the statutory Development Plan for Bromley. You can view the background leading to the adoption of the Local Plan .

The National Planning Policy Framework and national Planning Practice Guidance may also be relevant material considerations in the determination of planning applications.

Local Plan Maps

The maps can be viewed through the interactive local plan map, this allows you to locate an area of interest or site in a number of ways and then see which designations/allocations apply and provides a direct link to the associated Local Plan Policies.

Please note, the Views of Local Importance listed under Policy 48 Skyline, are not shown on this map but can be seen on an A3 map sheet  neither are the Renewal Areas (Policies 13 to 19), which mapped within the text of the Local Plan (para 2.3.7), in both instances, by their very nature definition of lines and boundaries at a high resolution is considered inappropriate. The application of these of these indicative vistas / areas will be determined by the relevant policies rather than detailed mapping. 

The map is also available as PDF files in the form of A3 map sheets.

View Local Plan map book

The map sheets are also available to download 

As the pdfs files are A3, if you don’t have an A3 printer, make sure the page and paper settings in the print menu are adjusted to ‘landscape’ and to ‘fit’ the page, if this is not done, only one corner of page will be printed.

It is important to note that areas which have no designation will be subject to other policies in the plan depending on the type of development or use proposed.

Due to the scale of the A3 maps, the Listed Buildings designations available on the interactive map cannot be shown, but are available through the listed building page.

Specific site designation and allocation maps can also be seen in the appropriate chapters and appendices of the Local Plan document, these relate to; the Biggin Hill Airport areas, Strategic Outer London Development Centre (Biggin Hill Airport), Business Improvement Areas, Crystal Palace SOLDC, Education Sites, Site Allocations, Waste Sites, Local Green Space, Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS), Strategic Industrial Locations and Traveller Sites

Other relevant matters

Conservation Areas SSSI’s and Listed buildings (Statutory and Local) are subject to separate and different forms of consultation; consequently they can change during the life of the Local Plan, with amendments or new areas, sites or buildings being identified as suitable for the protection offered by designation.

The council is required to prepare and maintain a Local Development Scheme (LDS) and to publish it on their web site. The LDS sets out a timetable for the preparation of planning policy documents in the borough. The council is also required to publish a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which explains when and how the public can get involved in planning issues relating to planning applications and the preparation of planning policy documents.

In addition to these designations, there may also be changes to the London Plan, government legislation and government guidance during the life of this plan, when such changes take place, the current specific references in the adopted plan are likely to be incorrect, there are links to these documents on the planning policy page.

Also relevant to the Local Plan are the annual monitoring reports and five year housing supply.


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